Creating a floor plan and overall design for a salon, spa or beauty school is not easy as the quest to utilize as much floor space as possible has to take into consideration the overall feel that needs to be achieved. Cramming too many stations into a space will impede the flow and make the space feel too crowded while using too few will impact profitability. Each different area of a salon, spa or beauty school requires a different approach and lighting plays a vital role in how the finished product turns out.

Having designed, or consulted in the lighting design, of over 900 salons, spas and beauty schools we would love to share our knowledge with you. Whether this is the 1st or 21st beauty related project you are working on let our experience help you navigate through the numerous choices and challenges involved in properly illuminating the space. We routinely collaborate with architects and designers on beauty related spaces that have, or will have, ceilings that are open industrial, exposed beam, vaulted etc. or will contain soffits, floating clouds and the like.

Please feel free to call us for a complimentary lighting consultation or, using the form below, send us a PDF version of the floor plan along with your contact information and we will get in touch with you. Let our expertise speed up the process and help minimize the chances of having a costly mistake.

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